Every year for the past 14 years, Macy's stores nationwide rally around the cause to "Bag Hunger". Across the country, each store finds a local nonprofit organization working on eradicating hunger to support. As in the past, North County Community Services was chosen in 2011 by several Macy's stores in the area as the nonprofit they would like to support. The Macy's at North County Fair in Escondido, and the Macy's at Plaza Camino Real in Carlsbad helped "Bag Hunger" in March by supporting North County's Food Bank.
Macy's employees helped eradicate hunger this past month in more ways than one. Both locations hosted food drives, and together collected 240 pounds of food to be distributed to the needy through North County's Food Bank. Additionally, both locations allowed employees to sign up for volunteer shifts at North County's Food Bank, for a total of 24 volunteer hours served.
The Macy's at North County Fair also committed one Saturday morning to replanting the edible garden at one of our low-income preschool sites in Escondido. Volunteers helped weed and clear beds, amend the soil, and replant a variety of edible plants including bush beans, cucumbers, sunflowers, tomatoes, basil, and strawberry. Yum! This garden is used as a living classroom for preschoolers to learn about where food comes from, and get extra access to healthy, fresh produce for their lunches.
Thank you North County Fair, Plaza Camino Real, and all Macy's locations for helping bag hunger in March!
If you are interested in helping to end hunger in North County San Diego as an individual or corporate partner, you can do so by hosting a food drive, volunteering, or better yet both! To set up a volunteer opportunity, contact Abby at volunteer@sdnccs.org or 760-471-5483. To start a food drive, email Mai at fooddrive@sdnccs.org. We appreciate your support!
~Abby Weglarz~
~Volunteer Coordinator~
~North County Community Services~