Here at North County Community Services, we are greatly saddened by the news that Volunteer San Diego has shut down. They have helped our organization with projects and volunteer recruitment over the years, and their partnership will be greatly missed. Every year in October, they helped put together projects all across San Diego County, and they called it Serve-a-thon. Even though Volunteer San Diego closed, we went ahead with our planned Serve-a-thon project and it was a great success.
The project was a complete overhaul of the vegetable gardens at one of our preschool sites in Escondido, as well as painting tricycle tracks and playground games. Two organizations came with volunteer support, so thank you to Hewlett-Packard and Teradata! Teradata was also so kind to bring the plants that went into the garden! Our materials for replanting were supplied by a very generous gift card from Home Depot. We planted a full winter garden, including lettuce (my favorite is a green with red-speckled variety called "freckles"), broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, chard, beets, cilantro, parsley, onions, garlic, celery, carrots, and peas.
Click on the blog title for the full picture album on our Facebook page!
~Abby Weglarz~
~Garden Program and Volunteer Coordinator~
~North County Community Services~