Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Navy Volunteers Visit River Road Gardens!

On July 1 2011, 22 volunteers from a local Navy unit visited North County Community Services child development center and gardens at North River Road in Oceanside. The servicemen and women harvested potatoes with four-year-olds and improved the gardens that raise thousands of pounds of food benefiting hundreds of North County Families. Thank you to all who participated in today's event! Below are pictures highlighting the days events! For a full photo album, click here!

Below: The Navy volunteers gather up for a group shot at the end of the day.
Below: While loading up a wheelbarrow with mulch, one volunteer found a lizard living in the wood chips!
Below: Volunteers weeded, watered, and wrapped two garden beds in plastic in order to solarize them. We will leave the plastic on for about a month, and when we uncover them, all the weeds, including seeds, will (hopefully) be gone!
Below: Volunteers work hard to remove all the weeds from one of the paths in the garden.
Below: After weeding the pathway, Navy volunteers spread out weed-block and wood chips to suppress new weeds.
Below: Four-year-olds from our preschool, show off the fingerling potatoes that they dug up with the help of Navy volunteers!

~Abigail Weglarz~
~Volunteer Coordinator~
~North County Community Services~